Developer Tools

Check the 17 useful tools on topic Developer Tools

JSON to YAML Online Converter

Convert JSON to YAML and slim down your data with the json2yaml online editor

Base64 to Image Decoder / Converter

Base64 to Image Decoder is the best online tool to converts base64 string into image. It's easy to use base64 image decoder which helps to decode picture and Download.

Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Connections & Passwords. Everywhere!

GitHub - chocolatey/ChocolateyGUI: A delicious GUI for Chocolatey

Chocolatey GUI is a WPF application that allows the installation, uninstallation, updating, and searching for Chocolatey Packages. It is intended as a replacement for the Chocolatey CLI for those that prefer interacting with an application, rather than with commands.

DevToys - A Swiss Army knife for developers

DevToys is a Swiss Army knife for developers for Windows. DevToys helps in daily tasks like formatting JSON, comparing text, testing RegExp. No need to use many untruthful websites to do simple tasks with your data.

Certificate Decoder - Decode certificates to view their contents

Use this Certificate Decoder to decode your certificates in PEM format. This certificate viewer tool will decode certificates so you can easily see their contents.

Pages to PDF - Convert your PAGES to PDF for Free Online

Do you want to convert a PAGES file to a PDF file ? Don't download software - use Zamzar to convert it for free online. Click to convert your PAGES file now. - Online ruler

This website measures the size of your screen and creates the image of a ruler that is the actual size.

Blur Busters TestUFO Motion Tests. Benchmark for monitors & displays.

Blur Busters UFO Motion Tests with ghosting test, 30fps vs 60fps, 120hz vs 144hz vs 240hz, PWM test, motion blur test, judder test, benchmarks, and more. - exact time, any time zone

7 million locations, 53 languages, synchronized with atomic clock time.


Infinite ASCII diagrams, save to Google Drive, resize, freeform draw, and export straight to text/html.


mindmaps is an HTML5 based mind mapping app. It lets you create neat looking mind maps in the browser.

Free Online Cron Expression Generator and Describer -

This free online tool lets you build a Quartz Cron expression or converts one in readable text format

Aspect Ratio Calculator (ARC)

Calculate the missing value for a particular aspect ratio.

Getform | Easy form endpoints for your forms

Form backend platform for designers and developers

Unix Time Stamp - Epoch Converter

Epoch and unix timestamp converter for developers. Date and time function syntax reference for various programming languages.