Recommended Tools & Services

Tools and services which Abhith recommends.

JSON to YAML Online Converter

Convert JSON to YAML and slim down your data with the json2yaml online editor

Base64 to Image Decoder / Converter

Base64 to Image Decoder is the best online tool to converts base64 string into image. It's easy to use base64 image decoder which helps to decode picture and Download.

Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Connections & Passwords. Everywhere!

YayText: A text styling tool for Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Generate a variety of cool unicode font styles that you can copy and paste into Facebook, Twitter, etc.

SHA-256 Hash Generator - SHA256 Generator

SHA-256 Hash Generator is a free tool to generate a SHA256 hash. The SHA256 generator encodes any string or words into non crackable sha256 hash strings.

GitHub - chocolatey/ChocolateyGUI: A delicious GUI for Chocolatey

Chocolatey GUI is a WPF application that allows the installation, uninstallation, updating, and searching for Chocolatey Packages. It is intended as a replacement for the Chocolatey CLI for those that prefer interacting with an application, rather than with commands.

MegaLinter by OX Security

🦙 MegaLinter analyzes 48 languages, 22 formats, 19 tooling formats, excessive copy-pastes and spelling mistakes in your repository sources with a GitHub Action, other CI tools or locally.


A comments widget built on GitHub Discussions.


a replacement for the image viewing mode built into Firefox and Chrome-based web browsers.